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Bruna Palma, Registered Dental Hygienist

Bruna Palma, Registered Dental Hygienist

Bruna Palma, Registered Dental Hygienist

RDH, Opus Certified, PMU Artist

In 2017, Bruna graduated from Rutgers SHRP and began her career working with Dr. Noreika. She loves being able to help her patients achieve a healthy and beautiful smile in a pain-free manner. Her goal is to make every patient feel heard and comfortable, and she is passionate about dental education. Bruna gets to bring her emotional support dog, Tyson, every day that she is in the office. The patients love being able to see Tyson and be greeted with his calm and sweet demeanor. She loves to spend her free time taking workout classes, going to the dog park, trying new restaurants, traveling, and spending time with her family and friends. Bruna and her fiancé, Craig, were recently married in September 2023 and are very excited to start growing their family.


Emotional Support Companion

Tyson started working with us at the end of 2018 and has been a patient favorite ever since. He usually works hard greeting patients and walking them to their designated rooms but can often be found napping during work hours. We ignore this behavior due to his cuteness.  He can be very nonchalant at times but will NEVER ignore the patients who bring him treats and a warm smile.

Looking for a practice in the Essex County area? Contact us at 973-744-3972 to schedule an appointment today!

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131 Watchung Ave
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043
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